Prayer is an integral part of a solid Catholic education. Our school gathers each morning for morning prayer and at least once per week at Mass. Annunciation Catholic Academy students grow in faith and deepen their relationship with God.
Mindful of the Gospel mandate to serve others, especially the poor and neglected, students at Annunciation Catholic Academy participate in many service projects throughout the year. Student involvement ranges from kindergartner classes holding an annual bake sale to National Junior Honor Society students hosting a shoe drive for those in need. Food drives during Lent and Advent are common, as are the collection of clothing and school supplies for our sister school in San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic.
The primary school children receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist with the parish community. Reconciliation preparation takes place in the first half of the school year with First Reconciliation taking place in November. The second half of the year is devoted to preparation for the Eucharist which takes place in May. First Communicants are also an important part of the May Crowning Ceremony with the Academy community.
In their last year at Annunciation Catholic Academy, students begin preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which will culminate in their full acceptance into the Catholic Church.
Buddy Program
Each student in the primary grades has a buddy! Kindergarteners have an eighth-grade buddy who escorts them to Mass and models good church manners. These buddies also work together throughout the year on other academic activities. First-graders attend school Masses with their seventh-grade buddies. In addition, first-graders have third-grade buddies to give them an opportunity to share books and practice reading skills. Second-grade students are buddies with the fifth-grade students. The fifth-grade students model good reading practice to the younger students.