Clubs & Activities

  • NJHS

    National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is an organization for students excelling in academics, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. Students earning a 94% average, demonstrating involvement in extracurricular activities, and engaging in community service work are invited to apply for NJHS as seventh and eighth graders. These students continue to serve the school community in a variety of ways including acting as tour guides, assisting with Grandparents Day, and babysitting for Annunciation Child Care preschoolers during informational meetings for parents.

    NJHS Application Guidelines

    NJHS Community Service Form

    NJHS Extracurricular Form

  • TV News Crew

    Students have the opportunity to coordinate, create, and record the school news. TV News is recorded and broadcast throughout the school each week. To view our latest episodes, click here.

  • Altar Servers

    Altar servers assist the priest during the Mass and at other religious ceremonies so that it can be celebrated with grace and reverence. They are expected to have a love of worship and an eagerness to learn more about the church’s liturgy. Academy students in sixth to eighth grades are eligible to participate.

  • Student Council

    Student council provides students in grades four through eight an opportunity to participate in and practice leadership and responsible decision-making. Representatives are nominated by their peers to be on student council. Members of the student council are role models and exhibit the highest standards of conduct and character. Student council works together to discuss a variety of issues and make recommendations to the Student Council Advisor and the Principal.

  • Coding

    We live in a world surrounded by technology and we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. But only a tiny fraction of us are learning computer science, and fewer students are studying it than a decade ago.

    That’s why our entire school joined in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week. We are excited that students in PreK-4 through eighth grade at Annunciation Catholic Academy and Pre-School, and their teachers, participated in The Hour of Code. To continue bringing programming activities to your children or to involve the rest of the members of your family in The Hour of Code, visit for details.

  • The Arts

    Students learn the basic art skills to establish a solid foundation in skill and history. Art theory is also introduced to prepare for future advancement coursework.

    Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to compete in different contests and activities to show off their skills and talents.

    To learn all the opportunities available, click here.

  • Additional Clubs

    As part of a fully enriching educational opportunity, Annunciation Catholic Academy offers other clubs and opportunities to meet the interests of all students including Odyssey of the Mind, and Robotics Club.