Welcome to Annunciation Catholic Academy!
We are happy that you have chosen Annunciation Catholic Academy for your child’s education. Below are some helpful hints and tips to help navigate our school. Please be sure to read the parent/student handbook and review it with your child(ren). All families are required to digitally sign the school handbook acknowledgment page each school year.
In preparing for the academic year, we understand that families often have questions regarding uniforms, school supplies, drop-off, and much more. Rest assured that we have prepared detailed guidelines and resources to assist you in these areas. In the event you can't locate what you need, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school office at (407) 774-2801 for assistance.
Parent Resources
Apps & Websites
Annunciation students have login access to many apps and websites to enhance their education.
Back To School
Summer reading lists, supply lists, Parent and Student Handbook, uniform ordering information, and more are available here.
Detailed traffic map and information can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook. If you are using the carpool dismissal line, click here to download the PikMyKid app and create an account.
Extended Care
Before-school care and after-school care are available at ACA. For more information, click below.
Online Textbooks
Annunciation students may access their textbooks online. Click below to access them.
Policy, Lists & Forms
Annunciation families can easily access many of our school forms such as field trips and activity forms by clicking below.
School Calendar
This calendar will keep you informed of important dates regarding school holidays, breaks, early dismissals, and more.
School Handbook
Please read the Student/Parent Handbook and review it with your child(ren). All families are required to sign the acknowledgment page each school year.
School Lunch Program
Annunciation students may bring a lunch from home or purchase a hot lunch. The daily menu is published each month. For more information, click below.
School Uniforms
All uniforms must be purchased through Risse Brothers Uniforms. Click here to access their website or order online.
Annunciation sports teams are part of Catholic Youth Sports. Information on cost, schedules, registering, coaching, and uniforms can be found on by clicking below.
Staff Directory
Meet our administrators, and our teachers and staff. Contact information is available in this directory. Click here to access the directory.
Technology Tips
In an effort to support communication between families and teachers, below is a link with instructions for accessing online parent resources. In addition, the frequency with which information will be updated is included.
There are many ways for parents to get involved with our school community. To find out how you can help, click below.
Students are never left unattended! Students will be escorted to extended care and can be picked up from the cafeteria.
Call or email the school office before 9 am if possible. If the office is not notified, the Receptionist will call to check on the absent child.
If there is lightning in the area, students are held inside for safety reasons. Parents must wait for the weather to pass and for it to be safe enough to resume with dismissal.
A parent must bring the medication in with the Diocesan Medication form completed, which is available on the school website. The form must be filled out completely. Medication must be in the original container with the child’s name on it.
Birthdays are so special! Students are allowed a NUTS day on their birthday. (If a child’s birthday falls in the summer, they are allowed a NUTS day on their “half birthday.” For example, if their birthday falls on June 12, they would celebrate their NUTS day on Dec. 12. A parent can send a treat to be shared at recess or lunch, but treats should be individual items such as cupcakes or cookies and not things that must be cut in order to be served. See the handbook for more information.